Audit tool
As mentioned in a previous post, an option to validate the analytical audit tool was through the Biostatistics office at my academic institution. I had my first meeting with the PhD statistician in charge of my audit tool analysis. The meeting was very productive, and I was ecstatic that she was able to see my goal and what I need validated. About an hour was spent reviewing the clinical background and the ‘why’ this is important and the purpose.
Thank you for reading this post, don’t forget to subscribe!To prepare for the meeting, I compiled a table of interventions with a clear timeline. It is important that I hand over information that makes it as easy as possible for the statistician to see the clinical picture that I need translated onto a written analysis. For the sake of time and saving money as well as energy, it is important to have as much information upfront as possible. It needs to be in a clear and concise way but an in person (or virtual with screen sharing capability) meeting in most beneficial so that details are not missed.
I have my second meeting tomorrow and have since then added final edits to my table of interventions. More to come.